New depths of suckage. ERRRRGH.

So I started this project on a high moral note.  But I have to be honest–the past week has been probably the hardest one ever.  When siesta time rolls around (3-4:00ish), I’m jonesin’ for a latte.  Yes, JONESIN’.  I don’t think I’ve ever used that word before in my life.   But I crave me some Hot Frothy Goodness, and the craving is intense and relentless, especially when I am in the car with two sleeping girls in the back.  Instead of becoming THREE sleeping girls, I have grabbed a latte.


And I think my estimate of 4 lattes per week was low.  It’s been more of a daily thing.  The one day I did NOT indulge, I felt like patting myself on the back.  Giving myself a gold star.  Treating myself with a trip to Starbuck’s.  Wait!  Noooo!

Sigh.  Weeping.  Lamentations.  It’s 2:34 a.m. and I’m being honest.  This project is going to require much more deep-down change than I had first anticipated.  Yes, it’s all about change.

If I were writing a homily, or a women’s devotional book, I would end right here with a lavender-scented wrap-up:  “Yes, it’s about change.  Change–nickels, dimes, pennies–that used to go towards coffee that will now go on to ‘change’ a life.  Change, indeed–for the better.”

Blech.  I have nothing to tidily wrap-up here, just a confession.  Thanks to starting this blog, all I can think about this week is lattes.  LATTES.  It’s like when I was pregnant and all I was hungry for was sushi and mercury-laden fish.  Verboten!

So–here’s some transparency for ya:

3 Starbucks

2 Dutch Brothers

2 independent coffee shop

1 full night of sleep

Going to bed now.  Brain is tired of thinking about the world and the hopeless state thereof.


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3 responses to “New depths of suckage. ERRRRGH.

  1. Chanda, you speak the words of my heart! I am constantly rewarding myself with lattes, for being able to wake up and get out of the house with girls!

    Hang in there you can do it! I am trying to do it with you. The other day you were my inspiration, to pass the starbucks on the way home. Thank you!

  2. Julie Kingery

    This is were we differ, I was buying to many lattes. So I bought an automatic espresso machine. Now I make my own and will have saved the equivalent cost of the machine and coffee in a few more weeks. I wish you success in your endeavor, you are stronger than I.

  3. Kayla

    Never EVER write a “women’s devotional book.” That is all.
    If the idea ever strikes again, call Sister ASAP for an intervention.
    Love you muchly.

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